Tradecraft with Karen Morgan

Published by Craig Constantine on

Tradecraft with Karen Morgan

Explore the need for creative breaks and stepping away from a project, as Karen Morgan and Craig Constantine discuss the value of gaining fresh perspectives and reevaluating their work. They explore the world of stand-up comedy and beyond. Encouraging others to take the plunge, they emphasize the significance of initiating creative projects and letting go of technical worries.

“You just have to talk into the microphone. You know, the rest of it is logistics and technology which you can figure out, but the part about talking in the microphone or interviewing people, you just gotta do it and then the technology kind of goes away.” ~ Karen Morgan ~21’40”

In their engaging conversation, Karen and Craig explore various aspects of the stand-up comedy world. Touching on performance styles, Karen discusses her personal approach, revealing her preference for leaving the microphone in the stand. By doing so, she frees up her hands to incorporate gestures and act out certain elements of her stories, adding a visual component to her comedic performance.

Episode notes and resources: Tradecraft with Karen Morgan

— Hello, I’m Craig Constantine. 👋

This is Podtalk. Short conversations with indie podcasters that are not just about podcasting, because I like to take the scenic route.

In each episode, I talk with podcasters about their shows, experiences, what they’ve learned, what motivates them, and… well, pretty much everything related to podcasting from the indie creator’s point of view. I hope these episodes spark ideas and conversations for you, and lead to new ways of looking at this wonderful art of podcasting.

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— Thank you!

My personal mission is creating better conversations to spread understanding and compassion. This podcast is just one of the things I do in service of my mission. Drop by my website for my weekly email, my other podcasts, writing and more.

Thanks for listening!

Categories: Episodes