Constraints with Julie Angel

Published by Craig Constantine on

Constraints with Julie Angel

Julie Angel describes herself as multi-passionate. She’s a filmmaker, author, podcaster, movement coach and breath-work expert. Julie joins Craig to share her insights on creativity and the transformative power of movement and breathing.

“[…] you got to get out of your own way. And for me the sign of a really great conversation, or recording, is at the end of it I’m like— I always ask myself: Was that really good, or like, ‘meh’. And if it was really good, then it’s just like, ‘it was really good!’ Then if someone says, ‘what did you talk about?’ I’m not sure. I don’t know. I was just in it. […] My kind of deconstruction is how did I feel at the end of it. And that’s it.” ~ Julie Angel, 20:40

Julie Angel, a filmmaker and parkour coach, describes the intricacies of her creative process and the challenges she faces in her work. She emphasizes the importance of feedback in creative pursuits, advocating for seeking critical perspectives from those who know and love her. This approach, she argues, is vital for maintaining objectivity and ensuring continuous growth in her craft.

Episode notes and resources: Constraints with Julie Angel

— Hello, I’m Craig Constantine. 👋

This is Podtalk. Short conversations with indie podcasters that are not just about podcasting, because I like to take the scenic route.

In each episode, I talk with podcasters about their shows, experiences, what they’ve learned, what motivates them, and… well, pretty much everything related to podcasting from the indie creator’s point of view. I hope these episodes spark ideas and conversations for you, and lead to new ways of looking at this wonderful art of podcasting.

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— Thank you!

My personal mission is creating better conversations to spread understanding and compassion. This podcast is just one of the things I do in service of my mission. Drop by my website for my weekly email, my other podcasts, writing and more.

Thanks for listening!

Categories: Episodes