Leadership with Anette Carlisle

Published by Craig Constantine on

Leadership with Anette Carlisle

How has podcasting impacted Anette Carlisle’s life, goals, and creative journey?

Creative fulfillment emerges as a significant benefit of building a body of podcasting work.

“It’s been a way to share some really relevant information around the issues happening right now you know not just in Texas or Amarillo. But across the nation when it was important to do that.” ~ Anette Carlisle (1:36)

The conversation explores the transformative power of podcasting in the speaker’s life, emphasizing its role as a creative outlet and a platform for sharing meaningful stories. Topics include the logistical and emotional shifts caused by the pandemic, leading to a more focused approach to podcasting. Anette discusses the transition from in-person interviews to remote ones and highlights the adaptability needed to address contemporary issues effectively through the medium.

The dialogue also addresses Anette’s evolution in communication styles, transitioning from data-heavy presentations to more engaging narrative storytelling. Insights into goal setting and creative fulfillment emerge as central themes, with reflections on how podcasting has influenced personal and professional growth. She values the permanence of podcast episodes as a body of work and appreciates the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations that align with their broader goals.


Podcasting as a creative outlet — It fulfills creative needs and provides a sense of pride in building a body of work.

Adaptability in podcasting — The pandemic brought shifts in interview methods and focus, emphasizing flexibility.

Value of storytelling — Narrative storytelling becomes a central skill, moving away from data-driven methods.

Impact on personal growth — Podcasting encourages reflection, goal setting, and professional development.

Connection through podcasting — The medium allows for meaningful sharing of community stories and knowledge.


Annette on Education podcast — A podcast focused on education and related issues, hosted by Annette.

Podcasting Fellowship — A program that supports podcasters in their creative and technical journeys.

Seth Godin’s blog — Inspiration for creating impactful projects, mentioned as a key influence.

Zencastr — A remote recording tool used for high-quality podcast interviews.

(Written with help from Chat-GPT.)

— Hello👋 I’m Craig Constantine.

This is Podtalk. Short conversations with indie podcasters that are not just about podcasting, because I like to take the scenic route.

In each episode, I talk with podcasters about their shows, experiences, what they’ve learned, what motivates them, and… well, pretty much everything related to podcasting from the indie creator’s point of view. I hope these episodes spark ideas and conversations for you, and lead to new ways of looking at this wonderful art of podcasting.

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I appreciate your time and attention, and I don’t take it for granted.

— Thank you!

My mission is creating better conversations to spread understanding and compassion. This podcast is just one of the things I do in service of my mission. Drop by my website https://craigconstantine.com/ for my weekly email, my other podcasts, writing and more.

Thanks for listening!


Categories: Episodes

Craig Constantine

Podcaster. Writer. 👋 Hello, I want us to go from simply having conversations, to actively creating better conversations — https://craigconstantine.com/ has more about me, and my ongoing projects.