Engaging with Nikki Lerner

Published by Craig Constantine on

Engaging with Nikki Lerner

How do personal and professional experiences influence the creation and impact of a podcast?

The intersection of public speaking, coaching, and podcasting reveals unexpected insights into connection and authenticity.

“I almost feel like that crowd of people is always with me…while I am also carrying a community, if you will, or a sense of community that is bigger than me.” ~ Nikki Lerner (2:20)

The conversation explores how experiences as a public speaker and minister have influenced the transition to podcasting. Nikki reflects on how addressing a live audience of thousands contrasts with the intimacy of podcasting, where speaking directly to one imagined listener fosters deeper connections. The sense of community created through both mediums is central, as is the challenge of conveying authenticity and vulnerability through audio.

The discussion also highlights the practical and emotional challenges of podcasting, from overcoming perfectionism to embracing the iterative process of creating content. Insights from a coaching relationship inspire the speaker to launch their podcast, emphasizing the significance of consistency and self-acceptance. Stories of audience impact demonstrate how podcasts can serve as valuable resources and tools for building relationships and fostering engagement.


The transition from live speaking to podcasting highlights the shift from broad communication to intimate connection.

The iterative process of podcasting fosters personal growth and message refinement.

Coaching conversations can provide pivotal encouragement to overcome perfectionism and take action.

The longevity of podcast episodes creates opportunities for sustained and unexpected listener impact.

Authenticity in audio conveys nuances that are difficult to replicate in writing.

Podcasting serves as a resource for professional practice and client engagement.

Listeners value content authenticity far more than technical perfection.

Creating generously allows the audience to connect with and derive meaning from the work.


Varian Brandon – A mentor whose impactful podcast series “Becoming” discusses personal growth and engaging one’s environment.

Mr. Rogers Movie – Referenced in the context of an impactful culture-related story shared on the podcast.

Scott Perry – A coach whose guidance encouraged the podcast launch.

Nikki Lerner’s web site — including links to her podcast, Culture Coach

Nikki Lerner

(Written with help from Chat-GPT.)

— Hello👋 I’m Craig Constantine.

This is Podtalk. Short conversations with indie podcasters that are not just about podcasting, because I like to take the scenic route.

In each episode, I talk with podcasters about their shows, experiences, what they’ve learned, what motivates them, and… well, pretty much everything related to podcasting from the indie creator’s point of view. I hope these episodes spark ideas and conversations for you, and lead to new ways of looking at this wonderful art of podcasting.

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I appreciate your time and attention, and I don’t take it for granted.

— Thank you!

My mission is creating better conversations to spread understanding and compassion. This podcast is just one of the things I do in service of my mission. Drop by my website https://craigconstantine.com/ for my weekly email, my other podcasts, writing and more.

Thanks for listening!


Categories: Episodes

Craig Constantine

Podcaster. Writer. 👋 Hello, I want us to go from simply having conversations, to actively creating better conversations — https://craigconstantine.com/ has more about me, and my ongoing projects.